Your guide to build an emergency fund from scratch, start now!

From Zero to Hero: Building Your Emergency Fund from Scratch in 12 Steps


Life is an enigmatic journey filled with unforeseeable events that can transpire at any given moment. From abrupt unemployment, and unforeseen medical expenditures, to unforeseen vehicle repairs, having an emergency fund can be the ultimate savior. Yet, what if you don’t possess any funds to start with? Fear not, as it’s never too belated to commence constructing your emergency funds. This article will furnish you with ten pragmatic measures to construct your emergency funds from the ground up.

Creating an emergency fund may seem like a daunting task, but it’s an absolute necessity to have one for the unpredictability of life. One of the primary measures to initiate this process is to prepare a budget to categorize and scrutinize your expenditures, which will enable you to identify areas where you can cut back. Secondly, it’s vital to reduce your debt and increase your income sources by taking up a side hustle or part-time job. Additionally, you may consider liquidating any unnecessary possessions, downsizing your living accommodations, and setting up automated transfers to your emergency fund. By incorporating these measures into your daily routine, you can rest assured that you’re prepared for any unforeseeable occurrences that life may throw your way.

1. Determine Your Monthly Expenses

The preliminary measure to create a contingency fund is to ascertain your monthly outlays. These encompass all indispensable outflows such as lodgings, utilities, edibles, conveyance, and sundry charges. Subsequently, after obtaining a lucid comprehension of your monthly expenditures, you can gauge the amount you necessitate to save for exigencies.

It is of utmost importance to be cognizant of your monthly expenses in order to commence the process of building an emergency fund. To accomplish this, it is imperative to take into account all essential expenditures such as accommodations, utilities, sustenance, transportation, and sundry expenses. Only then can you determine the quantum of funds that you need to set aside for unforeseen circumstances.

Building an emergency fund takes time, especially when starting from nothing. Plan well!

2. Set a Realistic Savings Goal

After scrutinizing your monthly expenditures, it is imperative that you establish a practical target for savings. A commendable guideline would be to accumulate a stash of no less than 3-6 months’ worth of your outflows. By doing so, you shall have a sturdy buffer in case of unforeseen circumstances.

3. Make a Budget

Creating a financial plan can aid in the preservation of monetary resources and the accomplishment of financial goals. Seek out areas where expenditures can be reduced and redirect those funds to your contingency savings. Additionally, utilizing financial planning software can assist in the monitoring of spending habits and the accumulation of savings. It is essential to keep a close eye on your finances to avoid unnecessary expenses and ensure long-term economic stability.

4. Open a Separate Savings Account

Creating a decent emergency fund can protect you from unforeseen circumstances (it should have at least 6 months of living costs in case of losing your job for instance). However, it can be challenging to maintain this financial buffer if you use it for non-emergency expenses (you should isolate!). To ensure that your emergency fund remains intact, it is advisable to open a different separate savings account. But don’t settle for any run-of-the-mill savings account. Seek a high-yield savings account with an attractive interest rate to increase your earnings (especially given the Fed rate is 4.5%).

5. Automate Your Savings

An effortless technique to boost your emergency fund is by automating your savings. You can quickly set up an automatic transfer from your checking account to your emergency fund savings account every month. This automated process eliminates the need for constant manual transfers, making it an effortless method to save without even lifting a finger.

Multiple incomes can help you build your emergency fund faster!

6. Increase Your Income

If one finds it arduous to accumulate monetary reserves with their present income, one should contemplate methods to augment their income. One could search for a part-time profession, vend possessions that they no longer necessitate, or commence a secondary venture. The auxiliary earnings may be allocated to their contingency funds.

7. Use Windfalls Wisely

Furthermore, one should utilize windfalls, such as tax refunds or occupational bonuses, sagaciously. Instead of squandering them on frivolous expenditures, they should be rerouted to their contingency funds for safekeeping.

8. Reduce Your Debt

Debt with a high-interest rate can significantly reduce your income and create obstacles to saving funds. It is crucial to crafting a strategy that enables you to pay off your debt as expeditiously as possible, with the highest interest-bearing debt taking priority. Redirecting the funds you save on interest toward your emergency funds can provide an added layer of protection against unexpected financial hardship.

Like everything, building an emergency fund takes time, stay patient and focused!

9. Be Patient and Persistent

Building your emergency funds requires patience and time. It is imperative to maintain your determination and continue saving, even if the progress seems minimal. Every contribution is significant, and ultimately, you will reach your savings objective.

10. Revisit and Adjust Your Plan

As your fiscal circumstances shift, it’s essential to revisit and fine-tune your blueprint for your contingency reserves. It’s plausible that you may need to reconfigure your savings objective or make adjustments to your financial plan. Regularly scrutinizing and reevaluating your scheme can aid in maintaining the proper course and making progress toward achieving your savings goal.


In conclusion, establishing an emergency fund from the ground up may seem like a daunting task, but with diligence and persistence, anyone can accomplish it. Pursue these ten steps to embark on your journey toward establishing your contingency reserves. Remember, unforeseen events can occur at any time, so it’s imperative to be equipped.


How much should I save in my emergency fund?

You should save (recommended) at least 3-6 months’ worth of expenses in your emergency fund. This will come in handy if something happens.

Where should I keep my emergency fund?

For optimal results, it is advisable to retain your contingency reserves in a high-yield savings account or a money market account that can be conveniently accessed.

Can I use my credit card as an emergency fund?

It is not recommended to utilize a credit card as a contingency reserve since it may result in elevated interest rates and financial obligation. It is more advantageous to possess a distinct emergency fund in physical currency.

How often should I contribute to my emergency fund?

To foster the growth of your emergency fund, it is highly recommended to make regular contributions, perhaps on a monthly basis or with every paycheck, to incrementally build up your reserves over time.

What if I already have debt and can’t save for an emergency fund?

Despite being indebted, it remains crucial to reserve some funds for contingencies. You could initiate this by designating a nominal sum per month and progressively amplifying it while concurrently reimbursing your debt.

What counts as an emergency?

The realm of contingencies comprises unanticipated costs like vehicle maintenance, healthcare payments, or joblessness. It is crucial to have a distinct comprehension of what constitutes an emergency for you and your household.

How long does it take to build up an emergency fund?

Constructing a contingency reserve can be a lengthy process, but it’s vital to initiate the groundwork at the earliest opportunity. By providing steady contributions, you can establish your fund within several months or a couple of years, based on your earnings and expenditures.

Should I use my emergency fund for non-emergency expenses?

Utilizing your contingency reserves for non-emergent expenditures is not advisable, as it nullifies the intent of having funds for unforeseen circumstances. Adhere to your budget and set aside a separate sum for non-critical expenses.

What if I need to use my emergency fund?

If you find yourself in a situation where you must use your emergency funds, it is permissible to do so. The key is to promptly refill the reserve to remain equipped for forthcoming contingencies.

Can I invest my emergency fund?

You shouldn’t invest your emergency fund (this kind of defeats its purpose) as the goal is to have quick and easy access to the money in case of an emergency. Stick to low-risk, easily accessible accounts for your emergency fund.

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